CAFA announces its first Director!

The Coalition for Academic Freedom in the Americas (CAFA) is delighted to announce Camilla Croso as our first Director.

Camilla is a Brazilian human rights, education and democracy advocate and researcher, with a consolidated trajectory in the defence of human rights defenders, academic freedom, the strengthening of public education systems and democratic processes, across Latin America and globally. She joins CAFA after serving as Director of the Education Program of the Open Society Foundations, General Coordinator of the Latin American Campaign for the Right to Education and President of the Global Campaign for Education. Camilla is a member of the Prevention Project: Education for Rights Claiming, led by New York University, as well as the Working Group on Academic Freedom, led by Scholars at Risk. She is a passionate researcher, currently undergoing her PhD studies and having previously undertaken a master’s at the London School of Economics.

CAFA welcomes Camilla in this new role and looks forward to working with her on developing and growing our membership, institutional partnerships, and programming!

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