Geographer Larissa Bombardi discussed the presence of pesticide residues in Brazilian food in a scientific research

Coalition for Academic Freedom in the Americas
Geographer Larissa Bombardi discussed the presence of pesticide residues in Brazilian food in a scientific research
This is a research project of the Faculty of Education of the Universidade Federal Fluminense (FE-UFF), Brazil.
“We denounce to the world that the criminal government of Javier Milei prevents through uniformed members of the Federal Police the entrance to workers of our University”
The Congress took place in Buenos Aires, Argentina, from 29 July to 2 August.
We welcome Programme Assistant Ana Santiago and Communications Consultant Tatiana Lotierzo.
The call for submissions will be open until September 29, 2024.
Students and teachers were among those held in political prison in Nicaragua; the sociologist Freddy Quezada, arrested in 2023, was released
This report is the result of meetings and consultations carried out by the Working Group on Academic Freedom (WGAF), formed…
In the present report, the Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and…
In this report to the Human Rights Council, Special Rapporteur examines the right to academic freedom from a right to education…