Develop and implement the Inter-American Principles in the light of international standards.

Coalition for Academic Freedom in the Americas
Develop and implement the Inter-American Principles in the light of international standards.
Information and Communication Technologies, Freedom of Expression, and Their Impact on Academic Freedom. Or if you prefer, read the Executive…
The report was launched in a webinar held on October 7.
The case took place at the Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar in Ecuador. The amicus curiae points out the interconnections between gender-based violations and academic freedom
CAFA, HRREC, SAR, Aula Abierta, IPEN, ONVE and Académicxs en Riesgo are the organizations proposing the request to the IACHR.
In the Americas, this report highlights evidence of threats to academic freedom in Nicaragua, the United States and Canada.
What is the balance 3 years after the adoption of the Inter-American Principles on Academic Freedom? What role should universities play?
Researchers from throughout the Americas are invited to apply.
Join us on 7 October for the launch of our new report, “Information and Communication Technologies, Freedom of Expression and their Impact on Academic Freedom”
The request is signed with HRREC, SAR, Aula Abierta, CLACSO, IPEN, ONVE and Académicxs en Riesgo