Date April 9, 2025 - April 9, 2025
Time 11:00-12:30 (Brasilia time)
Location On line
Category Event

Despite its seriousness, the problem of sexual and gender-based violence in Higher
Education Institutions remains little visible and scarcely discussed, whether at the
level of academia, in the field of public policy or in the broader social debate. For this
reason, it is urgent to highlight it and promote actions committed to overcoming it. It
is with the commitment to contribute to this challenge that the Coalition for Academic
Freedom in the Americas (CAFA) launches this Guide. We recognize that the
development of effective protocols is a dynamic process. Therefore, this Guide is
presented as a living document, intended to be revised and updated according to
different contexts and experiences.

Mónica Godoy Ferro | Author and teacher in Gender Studies

Karina Batthyány | Executive Director, Latin American Council of Social Sciences
Gabriela Bonilla | Regional Director, Education International for Latin America (IEAL)
Amanda Mendonça | Professor, University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ)
Elizabeth Hutchison | Professor, The University of New Mexico

Camilla Croso | Executive Director, Coalition for Academic Freedom in the Americas