In the Americas, this report highlights evidence of threats to academic freedom in Nicaragua, the United States and Canada.

Coalition for Academic Freedom in the Americas
In the Americas, this report highlights evidence of threats to academic freedom in Nicaragua, the United States and Canada.
What is the balance 3 years after the adoption of the Inter-American Principles on Academic Freedom? What role should universities play?
Researchers from throughout the Americas are invited to apply.
Join us on 7 October for the launch of our new report, “Information and Communication Technologies, Freedom of Expression and their Impact on Academic Freedom”
The request is signed with HRREC, SAR, Aula Abierta, CLACSO, IPEN, ONVE and Académicxs en Riesgo
This is a research project of the Faculty of Education of the Universidade Federal Fluminense (FE-UFF), Brazil.
“We denounce to the world that the criminal government of Javier Milei prevents through uniformed members of the Federal Police the entrance to workers of our University”
The Congress took place in Buenos Aires, Argentina, from 29 July to 2 August.
We welcome Programme Assistant Ana Santiago and Communications Consultant Tatiana Lotierzo.
The call for submissions will be open until September 29, 2024.