Launch of our new report Academic Freedom and Democracy from the Conceptual Universe of Human Rights:

Developing and Implementing the Inter-American Principles in Light of International Standards.

This study, sponsored by the Coalition for Academic Freedom in the Americas (CAFA) and authored by Fabián Salvioli and Natalia Urbina, makes a compelling contribution to a deeper understanding of the meaning, content, application, and implementation of academic freedom and university autonomy in the Americas.

The study is an affirmation of the indissoluble link between democracy, human rights and education, and constitutes a framework not only for the understanding of academic freedom as a fundamental human right, but also for its monitoring and mainly, as an instrument that supports and promotes its implementation in practice. In this sense, it proposes a holistic set of measures designed both at the institutional level of higher education institutions, as well as considering public policy. As the authors point out, the recognition of academic freedom as a human right is not something theoretical, but practical, where States have the obligation to respect, protect and fulfill it.

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