CAFA joins the Advisory Board of the Brazilian National Observatory of Violence against Educators (ONVE)

CAFA’s Director, Camilla Croso, represents the Coalition in the Observatory. This is a research project of the Faculty of Education of the Universidade Federal Fluminense (FE-UFF), Brazil.

CAFA is pleased to join the Advisory Board of Brazil’s National Observatory on Violence against Educators (ONVE), in Brazil. The Coalition is represented by its Director, Camilla Croso.

The ONVE is spearheaded by the Universidade Federal Fluminense, in collaboration with the Brazilian Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Human Rights. The centre was established in 2023 in response to the pressing need to address contemporary challenges facing educators in their professional activities. It plays a pivotal role in advocating for safer working environments and conditions for educators in Brazil. The centre recognises that education in Brazil has become a contested domain shaped by conflicting economic and political interests, where the freedom of teaching and learning is persistently undermined.

In this context, ONVE proposes to conduct academic research and surveys at the national level in order to generate data that will more accurately characterise the phenomena of persecution and violence against educators in the country. Additionally, it works to develop protocols for the legal and psychological support of persecuted educators and materials for campaigns on the issue, with the ultimate goal of influencing public policies to defend the freedom to teach and learn in Brazil.

Ongoing research. In this regard, the Observatory is engaged in a research and action initiative, entitled “Violence against educators as a threat to democratic education: a study on the persecution of educators in Brazil.” The objective is to generate national data on this subject. The research project is driven by the necessity to gain insight into the principal characteristics of a phenomenon that is on the rise in the country where educators are subjected to censorship at all levels by a range of agents and in various ways. To find out more about ONVE, click here. All educators from Brazil are invited to contribute to this research.

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